Digital Forensics


About Us

Digital forensics is a discipline addressing the collection, processing, and analysis of digital information so that this information can be admitted as evidence in a court of law, but it’s not limited to just law enforcement. All investigations today involve digital forensics to some degree.  It is interdisciplinary in its nature with the inclusion of computer engineering, computer science, information technology, law, and ethics. Digital forensics is a critical part of incident response, insider threat investigation, malware analysis, and cyber security.

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DFOR 510 Digital Forensics Analysis
This is where the digital forensics journey starts. It covers digital forensics crime scene procedures beginning with initial walk-through and evaluation; identification and collection of potential evidence; preparation of intrusion investigation; aspects of working with investigators and attorneys; reverse engineering with file identification and profiling; application of critical thinking in determination of significance of artifacts; and analysis and reporting of evidence.
DFOR 661 Digital Media Forensics
This aspect of digital forensics has been around the longest (early 1980s). It covers the collection, preservation, and analysis of digital media such that the evidence can be successfully presented in a court of law (both civil and criminal). The relevant federal laws and private sector applications will be examined, as well as the seizure, preservation, and analysis of digital media.
DFOR 710 Memory Forensics
Some artifacts only exist in memory. This course Introduces students to memory forensics, specifically the acquisition, investigation, and analysis of artifacts that reside in random access memory (RAM). Memory forensics provides an evidentiary wellspring of unique digital artifacts with regards to computer forensics and digital investigations (e.g. intrusion and malware incidents).
DFOR 762 Mobile Device Forensics
This is the 800 lb. gorilla of digital forensics today. It reviews forensic evidence contained within mobile devices, including address books, call logs, text messages, video files, audio files, and Internet history. Discusses procedures and technologies associated with mobile devices and how such procedures differ from traditional digital forensics. Analyzes collected data and correlates information with data from carriers.

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Join our course and start building the most wanted career available today. We make sure every class is easily understood, and that all students reach the same level of expertise needed for today’s hi-tech industry.

Working hours

Monday- Thursday: 9:00-18:00 Hrs
Friday – 8:00-14:00 Hrs

We are here

Room No: 3800, Nguyen Engineering Building
Phone: +1 (703) 993-3810
Fax: +1 (703) 993-6137
Email: [email protected]

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